Haydn Delany’s Hollywood star shone so brightly, even being the manager of an event he was headlining didn’t ensure Teela Carpenter would get the chance to meet him, and she was fine with that. Really, fine.
Okay, it was hugely disappointing not to meet the much-admired actor come activist dubbed the Sexist Man Alive. Until Haydn appeared inexplicably on the balcony where she stood, kissed her hand and gave her a story to dine out on for years.
That was before a raging tropical thunderstorm, an annoying car accident and ruined shoes put him in her path again. This time as her white knight.
And a one night stand that might just last forever.
Evie Tice won’t kiss her ex, Jay Endicott, ever again. But she wants to. Burns for it. Half the adult population of the world does, because he’s a rock god who can apparently light up the stage. She wouldn’t know. When he quit on her, she made sure to block him from her life and stick to easy breezy hook-ups.
But Jay is back, sexier than ever, with the first leg of his global tour and her brothers’ band opens for him. As their social media manager, Evie can’t avoid Jay, but she can use him, to get off and get even like he once used her.
There’s just that one little no kissing issue, because if Evie kisses Jay, she’s going to fall in love with him all over again.
As the wildly exciting drummer in an up-and-coming band, Grip was at the top of Mina’s list of hot drummers to hook-up with.She’d promised herself that after she nailed him, she’d quit her groupie life, finish her finance degree and become her own rock star.
Fifteen years later, she’s right on track, a polished professional investment advisor, her goth-look and the name she used back then a distant memory.
Except the new client in the boardroom is her old obsession, more sexy and famous than ever, and her promotion to partner depends on making him happy.
With her clothes on.
He’ll never guess who she was, so her secret was safe, until her obsession comes roaring back—and Grip remembers the one girl he could never forget.