Ainslie Paton romance author

Mum Excells

Mum:    I made an excel document.

Me:        Good for you.

Mum:    But I lost it.

Me:        You didn’t save it.

Mum:    I did.

Me:        Well it’s there then.

Mum:    No, it’s not.

Me:        Then you didn’t save it.

Mum:    I did.

Me:        Then it will be there.

Mum:    It’s not. I could make it again.

Me:        Yep and save it.

Mum:    I did save the one I already made but I can’t find it.

Me:        Yes, I’m up to speed on this.

Mum:    It’s just that I don’t know where the other one went.  I can see it and all.

Me:        What?  You can see the excel document you created.  Then it’s saved.

Mum:    No, it’s not.

Me:        But you can see it.

Mum:    Yes.

Me:        Brainblank

Mum:    Are you still there?

Me:        I wish I wasn’t.  What exactly is the problem?

Mum:    I want to print it.

Me:        So send it to print.

Mum:    I can do that?

Me:        Yes.

Mum:    But I can’t find it.

M e:       But you can see it.

Mum:    Yes.  You know I think I’ll just start again and then when I save the new one and can’t find it I’ll get you to do it.

Me:        Can’t wait.  Highlight of the week.

Mum:    You’d be bored without me.

Hello, what are you thinking?

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