Mum Fakes Me Out
This was a series of text messages from my brother to me
Bro: The MRI was normal
Me: Good. I’ve had 2 brain scans. Understand u need 2 have headache during the scan for them to see it. Get your neck and eyes checked
Bro: I’ll tell him
Me: Who?
Bro: Your darling brother
Me: Speaking about yourself in the third person. How Trumpy
Bro: Want to come to dinner with me and the rest
Bro: Only pasta on the deck
Since my brother did have an MRI and does not have a deck, I’m all – um.
Me: Who am I talking to?
Bro: Me.
Me: Who doesn’t have a deck.
Bro: It’s me.
Me: Not helping
Bro: You know very well who it is
Me: Mum?
Bro: Who did you think it was?
Me: Oddly enough since this is my brother’s phone I thought it was him
Bro: You knew it was me
Me: How could I know it was you?
Bro: Funny. You might’ve gone to the wrong place for dinner
Bro: Funny
Bro: Funny
Bro: Funny
Gotcha!!!!!! Lol!!
She always gotchas!