Mum’s Revenge
A horrifying thing happened
My lovely friend Suzanne dropped over.
She said:
I’ve got a couple of free movie tickets. Can you come to a session tomorrow?
I said:
I have a breakfast and then I have to open up my brother’s place so Mary and Viv can have a look at house and meet the cat, they’ve got a British Shorthair, called Jessie. He’s lucky I’ve still got keys. I almost gave them back. Mary and Viv need to see if they’re okay about house sitting while the family is away and, it’s the same time as…
And I stopped.
Shocked rigid and horrified to my toenail cuticles.
I am turning into my mother.
I said:
Yes, Suzanne, I’d love to.
I spent the rest of the day in abject terror and deep reflection.
Mum bloody well wins again.
Ahhh…thanks for the laugh, I needed it.
It comes to all of us… 😉
Too funny…though be careful that is an easy disease to catch…(Suzanne)
/Facepalm O_o?