Ainslie Paton romance author


Holding on to Insecure

Holding on to Insecure

Lots of interruptions – a writer has to earn a living – worse luck, but I’m back into Insecure now...

Busting Out All Over

Busting Out All Over

So, I wrote this book and I wanted to take a poke at gender stereotypes and workplace norms that so...

Detained in the Subconscious

Writing a book is a funny thing.  Not in the, “a funny thing happened on they way to the …”...



There’s a new story.  It’s all very insecure. It’s the old boys meets girl thing, but in the form of...

Spark Attack

Spark Attack

That’s what I’m having.  A Spark Attack.  Its akin to heartburn but with added electrical zap. The pre-reads at the...