Ainslie Paton romance author

Random observations

First Kisses Are Delicious. You Don’t Need A Coupon For That

Before there were Love Coupons there was a delicious, ill-advised first kiss This is the first kiss shared by Tom...

The Language of What?

The Language of What? Every profession has its own language.  In The Love Experiment it’s the language of journalism with...

The 36 Questions of The Love Experiment

The 36 Questions of The Love Experiment

The Love Experiment is out today.  Here are the 36 questions that Jack and Derelie wrestle with on their way...

Take 2:  How to Write a Kick-ass Blurb

Take 2: How to Write a Kick-ass Blurb

[View the story “How to Blurb” on Storify]

Dark Art of the Blurb: How to Write a Kick-ass Book Description in 80 Tweets

[View the story “Dark Art of the Blurb #notRWA17” on Storify]

Language of a Monday Night Pilates Class

Standing: Rolldown Pec stretch On the floor: Child pose Side opening Windscreen washer Sides Mad minute plank Down dog to...

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