Ainslie Paton romance author


Alien Invasion or Algorithm Hiccup

So, this happened: Hooked on a Feeling was a Kindle Daily Deal discounted for Amazon Australia (US store discounted too)...

Get Down. 1975 is Back. Baby it’s Ooga Chaka Time

I can’t stop this feeling, deep inside of me… And neither could Blue Swede, a Swedish cover band who released...

Hooked on the Music

The music from Hooked on a Feeling to get you in the hip, cool, groovy mood of 1975.  

Growing up in the Seventies

Kids had it different in the time of the slinky, the dragstar and the sunnyboy. For a start everyone smoked...

Cover Reveal: Hooked on a Feeling

She’s purdy. She’s full of possibility. She’s out August 1st.

Spark Attack

Spark Attack

That’s what I’m having.  A Spark Attack.  Its akin to heartburn but with added electrical zap. The pre-reads at the...

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