Ainslie Paton romance author

A Conversation with Mum Where I Try to Points Score and Crash n Burn

Me:        My email is doubling up.

Mum:     What does that mean?

Me:        The same emails are being received over and over again.

Mum:     Is that a nuisance?

Me:        Yes, it is.

Mum:     That’s not good.

Me         No.

Mum:     What are you telling me for?

Me:        I thought since you tell me all your tech woes I could tell you mine.

Mum:     I’m doing something.

Me:        So, you answered the phone.

Mum:     But I didn’t know you were going to talk about things I’m not interested in.

Me:        Oh, really.  I assume I talk about things you’re not interested in a lot then.

Mum:     You do.

Me:        Nice.

Mum:     There’s something wrong with you.

Me:        Yes, my email is screwed up.

Mum:     What would you think I can do about your silly email?

Me:        What would you think I can do about your website that keeps changing content?

Me:        It’s not the same thing.

Mum:     You rang me yesterday and wanted to talk about your football app and today you wanted to buy pants online.

Me:        What’s your point?

Me:        I’m usually doing something too, like working.

Mum:     But I’m your mother.

Me:        Inescapably.

Mum:     So what did you ring me for?

Me:        Complain about my email.

Mum:     That was a dumb idea.

Me:        Yep.

Mum:     I’m busy now, but I’m going to ring you tomorrow about my scanner.

Me:        What about your damn scanner.  We just went through that.

Mum:     Nothing, just trying to get a rise out of you.

Me:        I’m going now.

Mum:     Only smart thing you’ve said all call.

One Response to “A Conversation with Mum Where I Try to Points Score and Crash n Burn

Hello, what are you thinking?

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