Incapable of Knowing
Every story I write scares me. And I like it that way. Mostly that’s because each one of them is setting out to challenge something – mostly me, and usually some pre-conceived notion or stereotype.
All of my girl meets boy, breaks up with boy, gets back with boy and lives happily ever after narratives are twisty, a little wrong in the standard contemporary genre.
The female rockstar, the male nanny, the undercover thief, the accidental drug lord, the homeless man.
My latest release, Incapable, sat in a file for quite some time because it made me more nervous than usual. There’s a lot of potential to get this story wrong, to offend, to start out on the weaker foot and wobble all the way to the end.
I’m not telling you why. Every reader has their own mileage and brings their own life force and world view to a book, so there’s no way to tell if Incapable will stagger or surprise, fall flat or engage.
And in that it’s no different to anything any of us write. Which is why it’s not still preciously flat-packed in a digital file.
All I can do is put it out there with the best intentions and hope it gives some readers a good time.
Incapable is about a voice actor whose life is about to change and a sound engineer who is desperate for stability. It’s also about fame and comfort, singing, friendship and loyalty. Mostly it’s about what happens when life and love misfires.
It’s book 3 in the Love Triumphs themed series.
It comes out on November 8 and is on pre-order now.