Love and Life and Series
This is the year of the series for me. And it’s come in threes.
Hopefully there’s something for everyone
Firstly there’s The Bliss King. With its three novels and two novellas. The last of the series – Found releases on July 1.
Then there’s those angsty men in the Love Triumphs collection. Mace in Insecure, Drum in Inconsolable and Damon in Incapable. Mace is out now, Drum’s story comes out August 22 and you can get your hands on Damon in November.
And lastly there’s the two remaining stories in the Real Love Collection. Tin Kettling has been available for a while, Window Dressing appeared in the first edition of Trousseau and will be available in ebook form in July and Pinball will appear in September. The stories in this collection are shorts and aren’t romances in the strict definition of the term. They are however love stories featuring three generations of the one family.