The Drunk’s Monologue
Overheard: The drunk’s monologue
This happened on the Street in Fremantle, Perth.
The players: Me, a couple walking in front of me, various shopkeepers. It’s raining.
The drunk walks behind us. He says:
I’m hungry. I’m so hungry. Why won’t anyone give me money? Why won’t anyone feed me? I’m a good bloke. I’m so hungry. You buggers should feed me. I haven’t eaten since (long pause, during which I wonder if he is still behind me) breakfast. (He laughs. Man in front of me barks out a laugh too).
I’m hungry. Hear that, my stomach growled. I’m so hungry and none of you buggers will feed me. I could die of hunger. I could. I’m so hungry. You should give me money, but you don’t care. You should care. I’m a good bloke. I could be black. (He’s not. Long pause during which the couple in front turn to look at him. Then in a high, tight and surprised voice the drunk says) Where did that come from?